Cybersecurity is nowadays one of the most popular topics present in public debates in Poland and in the world.
Recent years have been rich in spectacular hacker attacks that paralyzed government websites or systems responsible for the operation of an industrial installation.

Cybercrime is the fastest growing crime in the world. Cyber ​​risks can occur in any organization regardless of size and profile. Wherever there is a network, there is a computer system where cell phones or other mobile devices are used - there is a risk of cyber violation.
The risk of information security breaches, data leakage, responsibility for entrusted personal and sensitive data applies in principle to every enterprise, institution or organization, including the public administration sector.

We invite you to the seminar, whose program is an attempt to answer two basic questions.
1. Are we aware and how well are we secure for the future?
2. Do we build cyber security in strategic professional areas?

Speakers during their speeches will present:
• how to deal with cybercrime by using generally available legal instruments,
• how cybercriminals work, how to deal with a cyber attack and what are the costs of losses caused by this attack,
• indicate security solutions,
• proper risk management,
• cyber security.

The seminar is addressed to representatives of public administration, in particular to employees of the departments of internal audit, IT security and risk management.
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